Rock and roll and two tired souls on the road.
An entire world to be discovered by the irreverence of the wild spirited youth just behind the borders of their own Hometown.
Barber wire, a scissors in a hand, a revolver just for fun in the other:
“- REVOLUTION” they loudly scream.
Revolution yup, but from their own barriers.
There is only an endless road separating them from their dreams, a noisy and fragile lunacy for the primitive. They want to be Wild and Free! HA! They want to pose their naked naturality to the eyes of the judging audience, breaking the chains and shocking the unidealists.
They pretend, searching for their purpose, the sweetest extravaganza.
Wendy & Peter.. Wonder & Dean…
They are the new hippies, they aim for a woodstock revival… they are rebels, gladiators of their own peace! But no, they didn't find it yet…
They are nothing now, empty of inherited roles, they are the ruins of the end and the rocks of the new walls yet to emerge.
They can be what they dream to become.
Oh god, they are more lost than ever…
Rock star costumes, indian makeup and feathers, stolen cigarrettes, bras burnt in the fire of the revenge, fast food… only a dream driven by the occasional drivers and the mild memories of their own red light days.
“- a ride?”
A rebel tribe lays on the sea side, where the waves rise by day and the bottles leak by night, as the
tides, they heard. I believe time will make them undress these lying masks and introduce a salty new fresh start, but now, they are still on the road, jumping in alienation from town to town, seeking for cheap rooms on dirty motels.. until they finally find their.. Motel Paradise.
Collection will be presented in Gliding Barnacles 2017. SOON